Academic Vocabulary Words For Second Graders Core Tier 2 Vocabulary List & Activities ESL ELL


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These vocabulary picture cards and activity pages for ESL and 2nd-grade word-of-the-day vocabulary and grammar lessons are the perfect way to boost the vocabulary and language skills of your ESL, special education, and regular education students!  Great for whole groups, small groups, or independent practice, this set of tier 2 vocabulary-building ESL picture cards and activity pages is a smart addition to any classroom routine! 


Perfect for vocabulary word of the day, word of the week, or vocabulary intervention lessons, this yearlong set supports vocabulary building, comprehension, and language fluency for diverse learners.

⭐When you purchase this product you will receive both a PowerPoint version and a PDF version, which makes this vocabulary resource versatile enough for use whether you are teaching in person or virtually.

Click on the preview to see what makes this resource so special!⬆️


What is included in this resource?

185 Academic Tier 2 Core Vocabulary Word of the Day Picture Cards/Slides– A different daily vocabulary word and matching picture for every day of the year. Build strong language skills in your students as you study each word, its part of speech, its meaning, and how it is used in a sentence.

Each poster features:

  • Tier 2 vocabulary word
  • Definition
  • Part of speech
  • Bright, colorful photo example
  • Sample sentence

Differentiated Student Activity Pages & Journal Cover- Use the differentiated student recording sheets for assessment and accountability. Choose the page format that works best for your learners!

A journal cover is also included if you prefer to bundle the pages together to create a Word of the Day journal.

Each student activity page features:

•Word of the Day

•Part of speech


•Use the word in a sentence

•Illustrate the word/or find an image to represent the word

Parts of Speech Reference Posters/Cards- Two sizes of reference posters will allow your students to develop a strong understanding of parts of speech.

Parts of Speech Reference Posters included:

  • noun
  • verb
  • pronoun
  • adjective
  • adverb
  • preposition
  • conjunction
  • interjection

Positive Student Notes- Positive notes intended to encourage and recognize students who can begin using the Vocabulary Word of the Day in their classroom conversations!



What vocabulary words are included?

1. above

2. accident

3. agree

4. amaze

5. amusing

6. annoy

7. apply

8. argument

9. arranged

10. arrive

11. attention

12. avoid

13. award

14. aware

15. balance

16. bare

17. behind

18. benefit

19. blast

20. board

21. bounce

22. brave

23. bright

24. calm

25. career

26. category

27. cause

28. center

29. check

30. classify

31. claw

32. clear

33. club

34. collect

35. community

36. compare

37. complete

38. conclusion

39. connect

40. continue

41. cooperation

42. core

43. corner

44. couple

45. crowd

46. curious

47. damp

48. dangerous

49. dash

50. dawn

51. deep

52. demolish

53. describe

54. design

55. detail

56. difference

57. direct

58. discard

59. discover

60. dive

61. doubt

62. dozen

63. edit

64. enemy

65. energy

66. enormous

67. enough

68. escape

69. estimate

70. evening

71. exactly

72. excess

73. exercise

74. expect

75. explanation

76. factory

77. famous

78. feast

79. field

80. finally

81. flap

82. float

83. flock

84. flood

85. fold

86. fresh

87. friendly

88. frighten

89. frown

90. fuel

91. gap

92. gasp

93. gather

94. gaze

95. greedy

96. gust

97. harm

98. helpful

99. herd

100. idea

101. impossible

102. include

103. insect

104. insist

105. instrument

106. interesting

107. introduce

108. invent

109. investigate

110. label

111. leader

112. leaned

113. leap

114. less

115. living

116. local

117. lonely

118. luxury

119. mention

120. motor

121. necessary

122. nervous

123. nibble

124. non-living

125. notice

126. observe

127. opinion

128. pack

129. pale

130. peak

131. peeking

132. plan

133. portion

134. possible

135. prefer

136. prepare

137. present

138. probably

139. process

140. proof

141. publish

142. purpose

143. rare

144. reflect

145. revise

146. rumor

147. safe

148. seal

149. search

150. separate

151. settle

152. several

153. shelter

154. shiver

155. shy

156. similar

157. skill

158. slight

159. smooth

160. soil

161. solution

162. stack

163. steady

164. steaming

165. stormy

166. strand

167. stream

168. support

169. suppose

170. sway

171. swoop

172. tiny

173. tower

174. travel

175. treasure

176. tremble

177. vanish

178. village

179. volunteer

180. warn

181. weak

182. wealthy

183. wise

184. wonder

185. zigzag

What skills are covered with this resource?

  • increased vocabulary
  • increased comprehension
  • more accurate word usage
  • parts of speech
  • spelling
  • critical thinking skills
  • deeper understanding of the English Language

 This resource supports Common Core Standards (CCSS):

  • SL.2.4, SL.2.5, L.2.1, L.2.2, L.2.4, L.2.5, L.2.6

What do teachers love about this resource?

  • Reusable and substitute-friendly
  • Easy differentiation
  • Builds confidence
  • Bright, colorful images capture student attention
  • Predictable and repetitive format sets students up for success and increases classroom productivity.
  • Motivates students to assimilate new vocabulary words into their everyday speaking and writing.
  • Supports independence
  • Editable option included to create custom posters/slides for students.



How can I use these in my classroom?

  • Print the daily word posters out and display them in your classroom as a “vocabulary word wall”.
  • Mount the posters on rings and hang them on the whiteboard with a magnetic cafe rod. This makes the word of the day easily accessible for students to incorporate into their conversations and writing.
  • Project the PowerPoint slides onto the Smartboard for whole-class instruction and discussion.
  • Upload the PowerPoint into Google Classroom(TM) for virtual learning.
  • Add “word of the day” or “word of the week” to your daily morning meeting activities.
  • Use as a warm-up to language arts lessons to establish a positive & fun classroom routine.
  • Use throughout the day as a time-filler when you have a few minutes in your schedule to fill with quick and easy activities.
  • Provide students with their copy of the parts of speech reference cards to use for support when they are writing.
  • Create vocabulary journals for students to use to record new words learned.
  • Set up as a word study center, literacy center, or enrichment center for early finishers.



  • Is this resource editable?

The cards themselves are not editable, however, an editable option is added at the end of the resource for you to create custom word posters/slides for your students.

  • what words are considered tier 2 vocabulary words?

Tier 2 vocabulary words are less familiar, yet useful vocabulary found in written text across multiple domains. The Common Core State Standards refer to these as “general academic words.” These words are more precise or subtle forms of familiar words and include multiple-meaning words.


  • The description says 2nd grade. Can this be used with students in other grade levels?

Yes, absolutely! Using this set with students in other grade levels is a great way to differentiate the learning in your classroom to support all students.


  • Is this resource offered in a money-saving bundle?

Yes! Click here to shop this resource in a 2-3rd grade discounted bundle!

Click here to shop this resource in a K-2 grade discounted bundle!


  • Is this available in other languages?

No. At this time, this resource is only available in English.

  • Can I leave feedback?

Yes! Your feedback matters! It helps me improve and create resources that support teachers, parents, and students. I’m committed to providing 5-star products, and your input guides me in making my resources even better! Please leave a review once you have had a chance to try out this resource.

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